Creating Web Page Image Indexes


The Web Page Creation Wizard (Registered version only) allows you to create an HTML thumbnail index for all files in the current mode.  These can either be used as an index to files on your computer or to publish your images on the Internet.


To display the Web Creation Wizard select Thumbnails>Web Creation Wizard


Note: If you are uploading to a UNIX web server where case sensitivity is important, select the 'Force lowercase' setting in Advanced Options.



Here is a summary of each step of the wizard:


Step 1: Choose which files to include


Specify whether all files in the current mode should be included in your thumbnail index, or just the selected files.


Also select whether to only include image or all file types.



Step 2:  Specifying Save location


Specify the folder where the Web index should be created.  All HTML, images and other required files will be copied to this folder so that you can easily publish it to the Internet


Also you will need to specify the name of the first HTML file



Step 3:  Page Layout


Allows you to specify the layout of the created pages and whether descriptions are displayed.



Step 4:  Page Style


Displays a selection of pre-built styles. Select your preferred style, or choose the custom option to specify your own style settings



Step 5:  Other Options


This step provides optional settings for customizing your HTML Page:


 Specify the heading to display at the top of each page


If you would like to add a link to your home page or other file at the bottom of each page, then select this option.  You need to provide two values:

- The text for the link, e.g. 'Back to Home Page'

-The actual link.  This will generally be a HTML file name such as 'Index.htm' (if it is in the same folder as the Thumbnail indexes), but any can be any HTML supported link, e.g.

/C:\Windows\Black Thatch.bmp




By default, beneath each thumbnail is the filename of the image. If this item is checked the filename is not added


Specifies that a small link to Xequte is added to the bottom of each page.


If you select this option then you can specify images to use for the Previous Page, Next Page and Slideshow links.  Otherwise a text link is used


By default the grid holding the thumbnails is not visible, if this option is selected a grid is displayed



Step 6:  Thumbnail Options


Allows you to specify how many rows and columns of thumbnails are displayed on each index page. If there are more files than will fit on one page then Next/Previous links will be added.


These settings allow you to specify the maximum dimensions of the thumbnails.  As the image aspect ratio is maintained, images will generally be narrower or shorter than the value you set here.


Specify the quality setting for your JPEG thumbnails.  This does not need to be as high as you would normally use because the thumbnails are small so image degradation is not as noticeable.  A setting of 60 - 70% is recommended.



Step 7:  Image Options


Web browsers can generally only display JPEG and GIF type images, so it is recommended that you convert all images to this format. You can also choose to resize images that are over a certain size, so that they fit on screen and load faster.


Note: Typical screen size is 1024x768 pixels



Step 8:  Image Slideshow


This setting allows you to add a slideshow page to your thumbnail index. If users select this page then images will be displayed in sequence at the specified delay. You can also choose to use transitions as images flip one to the next (Note: the transitions will only be displayed in Internet Explorer v4.0 or greater, other browsers will just flip the images normally. You can add a sound file to play in the background.







